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Nick Heyward


North Of A Miracle



A1   When It Started To Begin      
A2   Blue Hat For A Blue Day      
A3   Two Make It True      
A4   On A Sunday      
A5   Club Boy At Sea      
B1   Whistle Down The Wind      
B2   Take That Situation      
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* Items below may differ depending on the release.



Nick Heyward's first solo album, North of a Miracle, sounds just different enough from his work with Haircut One Hundred that his sudden, surprising split from the group last spring at last begins to make a kind of sense. Pelican West–singer, guitarist and songwriter Heyward's sole LP with the Haircuts (though there was a final single, "Nobody's Fool")–was one of the brighter pop records in recent memory: hummable, danceable and full of kiddish good humor and high spirits. Heyward's solo work is more introverted, suggesting… Read More

a dreamer whose reveries are, by turns, broodingly bittersweet and cautiously optimistic. If on Pelican West he seemed a giggly, clubby preppie with a touch of the brat in him, he comes off on North of a Miracle as something of a loner much given to staring pensively at sunsets or out to sea.

Though each song is touched in some measure by a visceral yearning for an unattainable closeness, Heyward's songs encompass a broad range of moods and tempos. "Take That Situation," "Atlantic Monday" and "The Kick of Love" are all upbeat, toe-tapping numbers with punchy brass arrangements and a jazzy, Latinate bounce. "Blue Hat for a Blue Day," "Whistle Down the Wind" and "The Day It Rained Forever" are slower, lush with orchestral embellishments and dense with brush strokes of moody blue. But I've saved the best for last: "Two Make It True" is an agreeable midtempo chugger with a sinewy gem of a hook ("Never giving you up/Always putting you down") that gains momentum with repetition; try not dancing to it. And "On a Sunday," a song about solitary walks "on a gray Sunday," is an utterly companionable song that'll take the gray out of the rainiest day and make solitude a cause for celebration. As will the entire album, when you get right down to it. (RS 416)


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  Artist   Title   Format   Condition   Seller Price    
  Nick Heyward   North Of A Miracle
Still Factory Sealed Ask For Details Uk, Arista, Tcnor1, 1983
  Cassette   MINT (M)/MINT (M) dischiniccoli
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