UK punk band, active 1976 - 1979, re-formed as an explicitly white supremacist band 1982-1993.
Founded by singer Ian Stuart Donaldson in 1976, the band originally sported a punk look, but, at their label's urging, became skinheads during the second wave of skinheads in England. Skrewdriver became known for attracting violence at their shows and none of their Chiswick releases did very well in the UK charts. They broke up in 1979.
Singer Ian Stuart re-formed the band in 1982 as a clearly White Power neo-Nazi band, with an entirely new, and often revolving lineup. This new version of Skrewdriver became the musical arm of the British National Front and released as their debut album "Hail The New Dawn" in 1984 on the German Rock-O-Rama label. This release not only helped transform the label to a far-right position but effectively invented White Power "hate-rock" and Skrewdriver quickly became a driving force behind the RAC (Rock Against Communism) movement.
In 1993 Ian Stuart died in a car accident.
1977-1979 lineup:
Ian Stuart Donaldson - vocals, Guitar
Kevin "Kev" McKay - bass
Glen Jones - guitar (1976-1977)
Ron Hartley - Guitar (1977)
Phil Walmsley - Guitar (1977-1978)
Martin Smith - drums (1976-1977)
John "Grinny" Grinton - drums (1977-1978)
Mark... Read More ... Radcliffe - drums (1978-1979)
1982 - 1993 lineups:
Ian Stuart Donaldson - vocals, Guitar
Paul Swain - guitar (1984-1987)
Adam Douglas - guitar (1984-1985)
Martin Cross - guitar (1987-1988)
Steve "Stigger" Calladine - guitar (1990-1993)
Steve "Stiv / Iena" Roda - bass (1985-1986)
Mervyn "Big Merv" Shields - bass (1986-1989)
Jon "Smiley / Icky" Hickson - bass (1990-1993)
Scotty - drums (1984-1987)
John Burnley - drums (1987-1991)
Paul "Mushy" Marshall - drums (1991-1993)
Mark French
Geoff Williams
Mark Neeson
Joseph Smith
Murray Holmes
Dave Wane
Colin Smith
Mike French
Andrew Skinner
Ford Freemantle