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The Buyer's Guide to MusicStack

What is MusicStack? 
Need more information about a product? 
How do I buy on MusicStack? 
Things to know before buying 
How do I cancel my order? 
How do I update my shipping address? 
How do I update my e-mail address? 
When will my order be shipped to me? 
What are the meaning of the condition codes? 
How do I leave feedback about a seller? 

What are the meaning of the condition codes?

Each store on MusicStack grades their items individually. So an item marked 'Good' at one store might mean something different then an item marked 'Good' at another store.

If gradings and condition meanings are not listed clearly enough for you on the detailed product page of an item, please contact the seller of the item and ask them explain their condition and gradings system in more detail to you before you place your order on MusicStack.