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The Buyer's Guide to MusicStack

What is MusicStack? 
Need more information about a product? 
How do I buy on MusicStack? 
Things to know before buying 
How do I cancel my order? 
How do I update my shipping address? 
How do I update my e-mail address? 
When will my order be shipped to me? 
What are the meaning of the condition codes? 
How do I leave feedback about a seller? 

Things to know before buying

Please Read to Protect Yourself!

1) When you fill up your shopping cart with multiple items you will most likely be ordering from different stores that are located in different parts of the country/world. Realize this and know that each seller will add their own separate shipping charge to the price of the items in your order with them.

2) Seller do not ship the goods until you have paid them.

3) Once your orders have been placed with the various sellers on the system, it is each sellers responsibility to contact you regarding following up with the status of your order with them. MusicStack requires each seller that you are buying from to contact you within 5 days using our order processing and tracking system or else we disable the sellers account on MusicStack until they have contacted you. If you don't receive and order status update to your order and 5 days has gone by, please follow up with the seller directly on the status of your order (please do not contact MusicStack as we won't be able to help you).

4) It is always good to feel comfortable with the seller(s) that you are doing business with. You should read all MusicStack feedback about the seller(s) and look at their seller statistics. If a seller is too new on the system or doesn't have much seller statistics or feedback, you may want to play it safe and deal with a more established MusicStack seller.